The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1 THE PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. WEDNESDAY 'AFTERNOON, 'APRIL 4, 1928 PAGE THREE Social And Personals Society Editor Residence Telephone 1649 Garden Club Meets most delightful meeting off the Rivanas. Garden Club took place at the home of Mrs. Jobs Manaban University Place pooterday, Mrs. Manabes was assisted at tea by Mra.

Mitchell, the president of the Club, Mra. Albert! Bals and Mra. Glassell Those preseat, 1 were Mrs. Albert Balz, Mrs. R.

M. Balthia, Mrs. R. B. Bean, Mru.

R. M. Bird, Mias Virginia Blue, Mrs. Percy Mira. Louise co*cke, Mrs.

A. D. Dabney Mrs. R. H.

Debaey, Mias Dural, Mrs. Glassell Mrs. J. Grasty, Mrs. Robert! Gibson, Mira.

John Grares, Mrs. Carter Harrison, Mrs. 1 Hudreth, Mrs. A. F.

Howard, Ivy Lewis, Mrs. Wm. Long. Mrs. Anton McMurdo, Mrs.

Robert MeMurdo, Mira. Li W. McVeich, Mrs. John Minor Maury. Mrs.

A. Mra. W. J. Phillips, Mrs.

T. J. Randolph, Mrs. L. T.

Royater, Mira. Elmer Shader, Mira. H. Smith, Mrs. Moncure Taylor, Mrs.

Warner Wood and Mrs. Richard Back, of Crozet. Friday Bridge. The Friday Bridge Club met with Mrs. Walter Chiabolm at ber home on University Part.

Those playias were Mrs. Tay. for TwymaD, Mrs. Fred Twymas, Mrs. J.

Anderson Mrs. Coward, Mrs. George Parrott, Mrs. Gardner Carter, Miss M11- dred Powers. Entertain at tea.

1 Dr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Goodwia are entertaining very informally tea this afternoon in honor of Mr.

and Mrs. Junius Parker of Now Visiting His Mother Mrs. Keith Falconer Grant la spending his spring holiday. from Christ Church School with his mother on Virginia Avenge. To 1 Miss Frances Grant will spend Easter week la Philadelphia the of her alstory Mrs.

will llam Randolph Taylor. Garat for Week-end. Mire. John Reives Frizzell will hare as her guest over the weekend, Mrs. Wm.

McFerron of Hoopston, IlL. A. M. POSEY MILLINERY- LADIES' WEARING APPAREL Smart Styles FOR EASTER IN Tailored, Dress and Sport Hats, Coats, in both Sport and Dress Model's. We announce a return to "The Mode" of Flowered Hats for which we have been famous.

4 ALL EARLY INSPECTION IS INVITED "My feet are 60 wide I can't find shoes to fit" But, you can, for, "Stylish Scouts" were developed for that one purpose; fitting styl ahly and comfortably the foot too wide to find comfort in ordinary style Scouts" slanderize You will be vargried when foot be made to look. ROBEY'S NTYUSH STOUT OUT SIZES HARM ARRESTED FOR WOODSTOCK Romick' was arrested here Friday by Policeman' Gordon. on warrant Shenandoah county, charged with, serious ofense. He- denied the accusation, contending he was livtog la Winchester at the time it is alleged the crime was committad. He he was taken to Woodstock, was" lodged la jail to await the action of the grand fury of the Shenandoah county circuit, coart.

7 as Well as Useful DON'T hesitate about ting your eyes examined for glasses for fear that they will detract from. your. ape pearance. On the contrary, a good Atting patr of dainty white gold glances will give you. a distinguished look.

Va. Optical. Co. A 103 EAST MAIN ST. UPSTAIRS An Easter Sale Silk and Glove Silk Underthings taken from our regular stock and reduced for this occasion Some are slightly counter-mussedothers are discontinued all are such marvelous values that the thrifty shopper will purchase many pieces--for personal use or Easter giving.

P. B. Oberdorfer Candidates' Views On Prohibition April 4. (IX8) Apparently wishing to wait until Senator Bored, of Idaho, polls all the presidential candidates their riews toward prehibition, the Methodist beard temperance, prohibitica and He morale yesterday publiabed a ay of the views of those candidates who bare thus tar pressed themselves publicly, The quotations, la part, tollow: Senator Thomas J. Walsh.

(D) am tat favor of the 18th amendment and the strict enforcement of the laws enacted pursuant. thereof." Gov. Alfred F. Smith (D) of New have taken as oath to the constitution. and these are parts of it 1 hate, Batt promised: to sustain it and 1 will.

sustain it. But I did sot promise, to sire up the right to oppose the parts de not like The detaition of beverage contained in the Volstead act is mot an honest, ose of a common Gor. Ritchie. (D) of -Either the Volstead Act must be changed.or it mast be enforced. and am, convinced de enforced.

I want to tee this intolerable condition righted." Senator James. A. Reed (D) of law, cam. be forced which, la nol ta the rast majority of fastances voluntarily obeyed' and enforced by the people; It laws are'to be tild aside they must: be repested la the way set out he the constitution." si Senator W. F.

George (D) of Georgia- believe la prohibition. and an in tavor of atriat meat of the prohibition 'Herbert Hoover' (R) do no; favor repeal of the 18th amend-' ment. I stand lot course, for the vigorous, and sincere en-, forcement of the laws thereunder." 1 Frank O. Lowden (R) 'of nols- stand squarely with the (Coolidge) when he said. It.

(the the 18th citizenship amendment) of 1 poses upon the country. and 'especially upon all pubila officers not' only the to enforre but' the obligation 'to observe the sancity of thia tationel provision and sue resultlag laws." Senator Charles Curtis (R) of Kansas am heartily la favor of enforcing all laws and I am posed to the repeat of the 18th amendment or the Volstead fir JAY LEAK CAUSED DEATH. Saw la the sire' Inch gas mala. rapping nader concrete encased conduit at Cary and streets, probably opened by vibration or the settling of the street, produced the leak which caused the'erplosion which last Thursday killed James WI-' llama, 13, in the opinion of Pablic Utilities Director George H. While Beld.

if Mayor J. Feliner Bright said yesterday that he was continuias bis lavestigation of the explosion. with view to placing the blame for the tragedy. A $2.00 1 Buys an EAGLE Shirt Moderate price an lanate garment, whether $18.00. Come In let shirts, Eagle superiorities that too often.

are, lacking menta For a lastance, splendid Eagle Shirti Santons wette Boulevard shirting cusitely, patterned. James: E. Irvine: Co. Schloss Brothers. Clothes Wat and Surreed" 103 E.

Hats FILLS GORDONOVILLE PULPIT A Gordoseville, Van, April Rev. E. C. Dergan; D. of who, with Mrs.

Datis visiting relatives la Orange County, the pulpit of the Gordossrille Baptist Church day moraing. Preceding the. vice, Dr. Dargas expressed pleasure af being. farited.

preach and 'said that the occasion brought to mind service which he attended about atty years ago when the A. French, a former, pastor of the. Gordons rille church, who married Miss Fannie Madison, near relative of James Madison, was, lastalled, as pastor. Dr. Darren is the author of oral volumes preaching, is a former professor of the Theological Seminary.

Louis ville, and has beld a number of charges la Virgiale, Georgia and Tennessee. One' of his pastorates was sad at Big Lick. now Roanoke, DOBBS HATS A Dobbs hat made by the famous Cavanagh. Edge Process: affords luxurious case of fit when it is furst worn. It requires no breaking in: And it may be counted upon to outwear a hat made in any other way.

Furthermore, it)has that made-to order. look. Kaufman's Sons, Inc. STYLE WITHOUT LEVY'S FASHION SHOP- A DOWNS E. MAIN ST.

WEAR RI Miss Holes Conley, Fred: erick. Miss Anne Kautmas, Mias Amy Jane Wilson, Mine Lucy non, Brent Allocheller, Mime Ruth. KenMia Elizabeth Marshall, Miss Jean Howard and Miss bets Colles Laaktord, of Norfolk; Miss Chandle Brian, Mine Catherine Oliver, Miss Margaret. Wat ton and Miss Margaret Green will spend Caster week at the Hildreth Apariments as the guest of Miss Isabel Falconer Great. Tuesday Bridge.

The Tuesday 'Bridge Club mot this week for luncheon with Mru. Ellie Brows at her home Ivy Terrace, Those having lunch and playing bridge were. Are Al York, Mrs. Noble Powell, Mra. David Wood, Miss Daisy Garth, Mrs.

Gordon Lindsay, Mrs. ald Fraser, Mrs. Roger hart, and Robert Shepherd. The prize high score was won by Mrs. Al York.

4 To Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrd. L. Triplettr bare been called to Washiestos to attend the funeral of their. place, Mre: Minnie Harris, who de remembered here as Miss Ninnie In Huntington, W.

Va. Mrs. Cornelius Ball, of WashIngton, D. arrived today for visit to friends at the Mrs. Ball will stay at the Dolly Madison las.

For Wok Personal Mention Mrs. Carrol ripple is risting Mrs. Tom Page for few days la Washlagton. Miss Mildred Pare left this mornIns for Now York where she will remain for a week. Miss Kearny will be.

married os the of May to Mr. 4 Fred Ibbard of New York, Mrs. Philip Holt, who has been? spanding the. winter with. her mother, Mira.

Warner Wood has returned to- Blagham Canyon. Mrs. Warner Wood has returned. from Clacianati: 0., where she was called on account of the 101- ness of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Wood.

Mrs. Charles Henderso has turned from Washinston, where she has been visiting her brother, Mr. Eastace Florance. Miss Jean Hankins, who la attending Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, is home for the Easter holiday. Mrs.

Wn. A. Rinebart If, Mra Oscar Swineford, W. Rodman, and Mrs. Wm.

R. Morton, motored to Richmond for the day Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T.

'8. Pollitt, who been visiting their daughter. Mrs. John McGerock. of Ivy Torrace, hare returned to their home Mrs.

Wm. R. Masele, who has been spending the winter la' Now York and Richmond, has returaed to "Rose Hill," her Home tal Green wood. Carl E. Speldel and Dr.

H. 1 Jordan, of the Untrersity wIll leave tomorrow morning for And Arbor, to attend a meeting. Mf. and Mrs. James K.

Syne more and Mias Isabella of Rye, New York will arrive by motor today to spend Easter with their son, Mr. James K. mors who is a student at the University. for housecleaning is nothing quite the Greater Hoover. "Positive Agita.

tion" makes the differs ence between it and ordinary vacuum cleaners. Telephone for demonstration. Only $6.25 down. Liberal allowance for your old cleaner. Sensibaugh-Ritchie ELEC.

CO. E. Mala Personal Mention Mr. and Are. Macconsocbie of Rugby Road motored to woad resterdas.

Mr. Tucker Smith has ad to the Dalrersity after a short rials la Washington, D. C. D. Ellis' Brown de Richmond on a short to "ber mother, Mrs.

Hose. Mr. and Mr. H. borne and Phyllis borne are la Richmond for' a few days A Miss Elizabeth Keeray who has been visiting la Now for several weeks has returned to her home on Lawls Mrs 8.

W. Hamilton, 'who has been visities, Withers la Gloucester County has returned to home Chancellor streets Mr. Logan' Norvelt will, arrive today. from Princeton, to spend Easter at ay" his home is this Desa and Charles. Maphia: left by: motor for Waablas they will spend abort Uma: Elmer G.

Batten, of Batesville, well la the city and, County has been la dace March 33rd; with an tajured back. Mrs. J. Hate who la visiting her alece, Sire. Frederick Rustle, 00 Rugby.

Road to the Univer Hospital as the result of brokes wrist. Prof. "Doble, Dr. Albert Laterre and Mr. Edward Saundes were hosts at a luncheon In honor.

of. Mr. Parker today. Dr. J.

a. Roland of Richmond, will on "Some Nuts, Have, Mot," Hinton A oburch, this Thursday. night at "Admission Children 20c. Mime Susanne Hancket, Miss Clifford. Hanckel, Miss Billy Hiprims and re.

Perris Shaw motored to Richmond for the day yesterday. IN POLICE COURT. A colored men Baed 010 for being drank and $10 for. log profane language 18 public, by Justice C. Shackellord In police court this morning.

Cases against a colored mad charged with larceny and a Greet charged with keeping an Itary place, were dismissed. A white man charred with pass lag "cold" checks' was dismissed upon payment of the checks. Five trade violators were Aned $3.30 each and the cases agalast three dismissed, due to a derstaadias arising from an ordiDance that is not clear. One white man was Aped $10 for passing a street car on the wrong colored, satire of Amherst county, charged: with vagrancy. was ordered to to sent to until further evidence in the case could be Pettyjohn Lyochburg, April C.

De Mott, Harry R. Brown and W. Womack were nominated new members of the Lynchburg city council In the democratic primary held yesterday. John Victor was re-elected for another term and Paul Fleet, by lead of Ire votes, posed out Mayor Walker Pottyioda who was up for re The rote of 3,615 cast better that that in the council manic election held four years ago aad was considered. to be about a normal turn- out for democrats of the city.

-0 BERRY FACES MANY CHANGES Bristol. Capt. W. Berry, who duped Bristol merchants last summer on an aviation scheme and who is now held at Winchester. is wanted by police in more localities than can be counted on one hand, it was learned from state prison guard who came to Bristol.

Berry to wanted, in MichIran as an escaped convict; 1a other Virgial acousty for detraad. lag; and in still another county os charge of bigamy, the slate Scer maid OLD MIKE TO TRY AGAIN Now Tork, April 4-(INS)Mite MeTinue, former lightheavyweight champion, has been signed to box Armand Emanuel, crack Pacide coast light-beavy. weight and protege of Jack Dem prey, In San Francisco April 33, Fredericksburg May Retain Guard Unit Richmond, April's 110 Meld Artillery, will Virgiala toast Guard, retained' Fredericksbare for the and the people. of, that 'elty wIll bi sires ca opportualty: to masot the conditions laid dow'a tot its ton by the patiosaf guard author before the, battery is removed elsewhere, de was decided this afteracon conference in the of Adjutaat General w. Sale, A targe of prominent Fredericksburg, citizens, attended the conference had deser al Sale that they would put forth their, best a forts da, sow armory for the mos, and stables for the horses la order the battery The captala and both iratessate, of the battery.

read recantly and it wat thought that the waft might he disbanded and move to Richmond ta be added to Howitser compaay here. Mystery Solved Clereland; case, tor several days 1 become County's deepest teries, today, calved through con of Roy Grooterced, aged mad accordias to. Cousty Detective Rabahaw, mitted that his car struck Alice old Martels Heighta sebeol girl. whose Sods was found late after she bad been a misstas Some dace. January 30 Grooteroed endeavored.

Dials bio, two months' silence by sayips be was soared to tell the accident." Ita admitted he carried the cirle body seer. Marteld golghte school after ale auto knocked her sad dranged her 364 No charge. placed against f. OVERLAP A. New Snappy Style DISPLAYED IN PATENT LEATHER 6: 6 HONEY BEIGE KID.

CASSELL'S Jun University, Virginia CUSTOMIZED J. i 4 5 Che A combination of the quiet dignity of conservatism and the style preferred, by youth is the underlying thought expressed by the Greystone customired by 4 6 13 Kaufman's Sons, Inc..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.