Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

BULLETIN, MARTINSVILLE, VIRGINIA THE DAILY, TWO TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1948 Atomic Energy Research Plans Are Disclosed By RENNIE TAYLOR BERKELEY, Calif. A 000,000 cyclotron which may be the ultimate tool for solving the mysteries of- atomic- energy will be built at the of fornia with government money. It will be a -shaped magnet 100 feet in diameter which will whip" atomic bullets: around its course until they reach speeds exceeding 60,000 miles. an hour: These speeds will give them striking force ranging from 6 billion to 10. billion volts.

With these bullets scientists will bombard atoms to produce mesons, which" are mightly little packets of energy and matter and which apparently are the key to the deepets secrets of nuclear energy. The project was announced last night jointly by Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence, cyclotron inventor, and DaLilienthal, chairman of the Atomic Energy. Commission.

main part of the big machine will be a magnet weighing 13,000 tons. Construction probably will "require about five years. The cyclotron twill remain the property of the government but the university will have the greatest possible degree of autonomy in operating it, Lilienthal said. The AEC chairman added that the plans reflect the determination of the United States to remain in the development of atomic research as long as the prospects for international agreement on. atomic energy poor.

He described the present prospects as "remote." Scoutmasters Attend Training Conference Several local Scoutmasters attended Scoutmasters Training Conference held at Camp Shawan-. dosee: near Richmond the weekend. Those attending were brought up-to-date on the latest techniques in hiking, camping and other outdoor skills covered in the advancement program of the Boy Scouts America: Dean of the conference was Don Higgans of the office in New York, assisted by Harry Harof the national staff, and Charles Steele of the Region Three staff. Attending locally were Drew Martin of Stuart, Dr. Robert Ma-1 son and Richard Sheppard of Ridgeway, Reuben Reynolds, Horsepasture, Arthur Hundley of A Danville, Pete Covington and Bill Satith of Bassett, Leo Trimm, HarTy Beach, and Bob McCutcheon Martinsville, and Dan Newbill of Rocky Mount Bassett Man Fined On Two Charges Charged with being drunk and resisting arrest by city police officers, William Junior Handy of Bassett was fined $20 and costs, after pleading guilty to the charges in police court this morning.

Handy was arrested near the Public Square Monday, and one of the officers, E. J. Bolejack, testified that they had some difficulty in taking him into custody. Frank a Turner, charged with shooting in the city timits, paid. a fine of $10 and costs.

Robert S. Bouyer, charged with running through a traffic light, was Aned $10 and costs. Pythian Official To Address Bassett Lodge O. F. Story, grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, State of Virginia, will speak before the Dick Bell Lodge at Bassett tonight, and on Thursday will be heard at a meeting of the Martinsville lodge.

Mr. Story. is a resident of Norfolk, where he 'is employed as -waterworks superintendent for the U.S. Yard. Transportation' for all, Martinsville Pythians going to Bassett.

tonight will be provided, with cars scheduled to leave the downtown section from. 7:15: to 7:30 p.m. CONSTIPATION BRINGS DOUBLE this DOUBLE Relief! not just the sluggish, logy distress of constipation that gets you down, but the sour, upset stomach that often accompanies lt. So be sure you get double-action relief. Next time, take Dr.

Caldwell's Senna Laxative, contained in Syrup Pepsin. PLEASANT THOROUGH Dr. Caldwell's works 2 ways to help you feel right overnight. One -it lives constipation pleasantly, thoroughly, yet. without griping.

(Not harsh or violent. tains gentle laxative Senna, approved even for children.) Two its carminative nation belpe relieve gamy stomach distrom Try Dr. Generous trial bottle- -plus a set of 3 beautiful, crystalline, crack proof ice bor bowl covers sent without charge. Limited time only. Simply tear out this ad, mail with name and address to Dr.

Caldwell's. Dept: 40, Monticello, Ill DR. CALDWELL'S Settle DOUBLE-ACTION Laxative Delegates From 35. Schools To SC A Conference Here Around 100 delegates from 35.1 schools in the Danville district are expected to come to Martinsville Thursday for an all-day session of the district's' Student Cooperative. of the Association.

meeting will be on the question: Can the S.C.A. Vitalize School Life" Principal' John D. Richmond and Pocahontas Wray, Student Councit sponsor, and members at Martinsville High will. be hosts to the meeting. The program for the meeting has been arranged by William C.

Sweitzer, district program Mr. Sweitzer is principal of Ridgeway High school. Maynard Riddle, -of Chatham High school, will preside over the session, Which will begin at -10 following registration openting at a.m. Flannagan Urged For Agriculture. Post BRISTOL, (P) County Democratic chairmen of the Ninth Virginia Congressional District have urged.

President Truman to" appoint Rep. John W. Flannagan, of Bristol, as Secretary of Agriculture. They sent the President a telegram after their meeting here with State Democratic chairman Horace H. Edwards, of Richmond, to set up an "organfor campaign of Thomas B.

Fugate; of Lee county, candidate for Flannagan's, seat in the. House. Flannagan is not seeking reelection in November. The telegram said, "We wish you the to know enthusiastic that Mr. and Flannagan has ous endorsem*nt of his party in Virginia and that we consider his qualification for the office (Secretary of -Agriculture) of the highest order." School Registration Blanks Distributed Elementary" school authorities began: the distribution today of pre children.

blanks for preschool The blanks were being given to their present parents. students to Children carry who home will be 6 years 'of age on or before September 30. of this year are subject to registration. The cards should be filled out, signed and returned. Parents of children who will enter school for the first time this fall should contact either of -the elementary schools it they do.

not receive a blank by Thursday. Patrick County Man Dies At Age Of 91 Clugy Buck Clifton, 91-yearold citizen of the Vesta community. in Patrick county, died Sunday night wat. the home of His daughter, Mrs. E.

M. Newman, near Salem. Surviving are his, wife, Mrs. Anora Clifton, and two daughters. Funeral services were conducted at Dan River Baptist Church in Patrick, county at 2:30 o'clock p.

today, Interment followed in the family burial ground near the home. There's Relaxdownstairs Insured were Will you enjoy your burglar? When you hear a burglar cavorting in your house it's mighty soothing to know that you're covered with adequate America burglary insurance. This applies to household goods, personal effects, clothing, jewelry, silverware, furs, etc." It covers burglary, robbery and theft. (Even mysterious disappearance is counted as theft!) Holdup and theft away from home are covered, too for all members of your immediate family and at very low cost. Ask us.

America Fore, INSURANCE GROUP FORD INSURANCE INC. "Correct Protection" Church and Walnut: Streets DIAL Miners' Pension Plan Unsettled upon on April 12. The trustee representing mine owners, Ezra Van Horn of Cleveland, has asked the Federal courthere to tag the Lewis- Bridges plan as illegal -and require the Senator and union boss to make good any improper payments out of the fund. Whether Van Horn's suit stop-. ped and Bridges from going ahead with their plan; or whether Lewis, or Bridges, or Van Horn broached some new plan, was At anybody's any rate guess.

the three called. another meeting for Wednesday afternoon. The -month pensions John La: Lewis. wants for retired coal miners still are out of reach today: Lewis thus is in about the same fix he was in before the new -ended pension strike, started. six weeks ago: He can't get an agreement for paying pensions out of the.

miners welfare fund. Lewis and his two fellow, fund trustees held a two-Hour meeting. late yesterday. Apparently they couldn't agree, because each had only "no for reporters afterward. Senator Styles Bridges, the neutral conceded that 'no had been set for starting the $100 monthly pensions to ers 62 years or older with 20 years' service he and Lewis had agreed An old wife is a fish, an old squaw is a duck, and an oleaster is a shrub.

Suspect Held In Reuther Case After Police Are Given 'Tip' DETROIT Police. Come $100-missioner Harry S. Toy sald" today that a man under arrest by his' officers resembles one supposed to have threatened to "take Ta shot" at Walter P. Reuther. -Toy did not identify the man.

He said he would be: viewed by two informants. The -two, also- unnamed, -told police. they overheard a': man threaten Reuther last- -November, shortly after the 40-year-old labor leader galned complete control of the CIO, United Auto Workers. The man -was carrying a .38 caliber revolver, Commissioner Harry S. Toy said, when he told an unidentified informant: "Somebody ought.

to shoot Reuther. I'd like to take a shot at him myself." tip--received yesterday from a man brought here from FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Plumbing Heating and Refrigeration Service PHONE 9336 WINFREY" ELECTRIC Collinsville JONES AND LEACH 7. Insurance Agency "13 Walnut St. Phone 8220 Lumberman's Mutual Insurance Co. Michigan Miller's Mutual Fire Insurance Cos Home Mutual Fire Insurance Co.

Jamestown Mutual Insurance Company AUTOMOBILE FIRE CASUALTY INSURANCE and. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. J. E. Jones -Joe Leach During the morning session; quintet from -Martinsville High school will sing, and the Martinsville H-Y club will offer the devotionals.

Principal John will extend the welcome and the response will be made by a student from Spring Garden High school, The Ridgeway High school's Glee Club will sing and greetings will be offered Supt. M. L. Carper, of ville. A Ridgeway student will offer the presentation of the general theme of the meeting and Maxie Mason, of Martinsville, will introduce group leaders for discussion meetings to be held until 12:30.

Aside from business to be transacted: during the afternoon, a feature of the program include several numbers by the Martinsville High school band. Walker To Discuss City's New Budget J. Robert Walker, veteran member, of Martinsville's City Council, will explain the city's new budget and tax program in a talk before the Kiwanis club at the bi- weekly supper meeting of the organization Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Club Martinique, it was an? nounced today. The club's Ways and Means committee, headed by Rives S. Brown, Jr.

will be in charge of the program. A meeting of the board of directors will precede the supper session at 6 p.m. Former Resident Of Sydnorsville Dies Mrs. Lucinda Ramsey Dyer, 73- year -old former resident of the Sydnorstille community, died in a Roanoke hospital Monday. She was the wife of the late Coleman A.

Dyer, farmer of the Sydnorsville community. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Sarah Emmaline Brodie. of Roanoke, a sister, three daughters and three sons. Funeral services will be conducted 'at Oak Baptist Church o'clock, in Wednesday charge of afternoon the pastor, at 2 the Rev.

Joe B. Crouch, with burial to follow in the family, demetery, near the home. CONTINUING OUR BIG Er SHOE EVENT IN HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR OF ALL BROKEN LOTS AND DISCONTINUED STYLES IN SPRING AND SUMMER SHOES HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: 3 Select the shoe of your choice in this sale in any price range, from our regular stock. Buy the one pair of shoes at regular price and select any other pair of equal value for only The second pair may be of difforent size for a relative or a Take advantage of this unique sale of savings that are Indeed rare today. Buy Such Famous Brands As Penaljo Naturalizer Paradise Jacqueline and Other Nationally Known Makes.

We have added in this sale, a few discontinued lines and broken size lots of shoes for men and boys. ALL -SALES -FINAL! Exchanges No Refunds QUALIT SHOE STORE Exclusive Martinsville dealers for Weatherited Weatherbird Shoes for Children 41 E. CHURCH ST. DIAL 9512 NORTH CAROLINA MAN HELD Sam Autrey, alleged to be an escaped -prisoner -from a North Carolina prison, was arrsted by Sgt. James H.

Barnes near Bas-. sett Sunday and lodged in the Henry- county jail. He is being held, pending the arrival of North Carolina, authorities. GEORGE WOODY DIES George Wiley Woody, 67, farmer died of the Monday in Sydnorsville a Roanoke hospital. community, Surviving are his wife, three sons and three daughters, five, brothers and two sisters.

Funeral services were to be Sydnors-1 conducted at the home near ville this afternoon at 3 o'clock, interment following in the family cemetery. ROANOKE MAN TO SPEAK well-known Roanoke after-dinner speaker, Holman will- be -heard tonight at -of- Fieldale the where Laymen's League of the Methothe first meeting dist church will be, held. have num- betn A ber ber of of Martinsville men have been men Toledo, the latest. and most "startling" in the police manhunt for. Reuther's April 20 assailant, Toy said, Reuther's arm was nearly torn oft just a week ago by a shotgun blast fired through the kitchen window of his home.

He is reported to be making good gress toward recovery, and phybelieve the arm may be repaired. Toy Identified the police inofficial. He said he the formant only as a minor. UAW name of: the man sought, but did not disclose it. Storekeeper.

Freed On Liquor Charge Jack. Brown, Oak Level charge store- of keeper, was illicit freed of liquor a at a hearing possessing today in County Trial Justice Bassett the who whis- arrested was found 53 steps from the testified key business establishment. The court held that this distance was too far from the store to prove ownership of the liquor, DAP 1. STRAIGHT OUT OF GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK Bonnets were breathtaking little confections during the middle' 1800's. That- when Godey's Lady's Book was the woman's magazine, and bonnets such -as these peeked from its pages.

Straws blooming with flowers, poke bonnets, sailors edged with petticoat ruffles. Beautiful inspiration for our new Summer straws. Smart: custom -made millinery in costume-matching? styles, and for bridal and all other occasions, styled by Ann Honore. $4.95 to $27.95 HOLT co. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.