What Is The Prime Reason That Jenny's Discretionary (2025)

1. What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is ... - Stuvia

  • A country is undergoing a boom in consumption of domestic and foreign luxury goods. In one year, the dollar growth in imports is greater than the dollar growth ...

  • Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about What is the prime reason that Jenny’s discretionary income is more volatile than her salary?? On this page you'll find 31 study documents about What is the prime reason that Jenny’s discretionary income is more volatile than her salary?.

2. FIN 4486 BMC Equity_complete solutions_100% all correct. - Stuvia

  • 31 aug 2020 · ... reason that Jenny's discretionary income is more ... what is the prime reason that jenny's discretionary income is more volatile than her salary ...

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FIN 4486 BMC Equity_complete solutions_100% all correct. - Stuvia

3. SOLUTION: Fin 3120 bloomberg questions and answers - Studypool

  • ... What is the prime reason that Jennys discretionary income is more volatile than her salary - Answer Her mortgage payments and necessities are fixed A ...

  • Why do companies do IPOs - Answer IPOs incentivize entrepreneurs to innovate asIPOs provide a way for entrepreneurs to monetize their work

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4. 1-5.pdf - A tendency tO expand the bOrrOwing capacity Of the cOmpany.

1-5.pdf - A tendency tO expand the bOrrOwing capacity Of the cOmpany.

5. What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is ... - Gauthmath

  • 20 mrt 2024 · What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is more volatile than her salary? Her mortgage payments and necessities are €ked.

  • Answer: 35.

6. What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is more ...

  • 13 feb 2023 · Jenny's discretionary income refers to the money she has left after paying for necessary expenses such as mortgage payments and necessities. If ...

  • VIDEO ANSWER: The spending power of Caldas net income needs to be calculated. First of all, we need to calculate the net income of C, which is 1 million, minus…

What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is more ...

7. SOLVED: What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is ...

SOLVED: What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is ...

8. Bloomberg exam questions with correct answers - Studypool

  • ... What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is more volatile than her. salary? - ANSWER-Her mortgage payments and necessities are fixed. A ...

  • Corporate bond issuers go bankrupt more frequently than governments, as they do nothave a tax base to fall back on in hard times - ANSWER-Why did the corporate spread

Bloomberg exam questions with correct answers - Studypool

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  • All members of the Privium team have an extensive background in investment management, risk, compliance, mid-office and all regulatory aspects of fund management.

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16. [PDF] Academic Catalog | Hanover College

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What Is The Prime Reason That Jenny's Discretionary (2025)


What Is The Prime Reason That Jenny's Discretionary? ›

What is the prime reason that Jenny's discretionary income is more volatile than her salary? Answer : Her mortgage payments and necessities are fixed. 68. A luxury cell phone maker has a high fixed-cost base and a lot of debt.

How is the scenario of Jenny's changing discretionary income with her changing salary analogous to the nature of equities? ›

Question: How is the scenario of Jenny's changing discretionary income with her changing salary analogous to the nature of equities? It shows how the value of equities is alwaysa company's profitability. companys,Ifshows how the value of equities can fluctuate with bhinge in a company's profitability.

How did Jenny's fixed cost of necessities impact her discretionary income when her salary changed? ›

Fixed costs, such as Jenny's necessities, do not change with income level. They remain constant regardless of any changes in salary. When Jenny's salary changes, her fixed costs (necessities) remain the same. Therefore, any increase in salary results in a larger proportion of income available as discretionary income.

What is the significance of the financial leverage Jenny benefited from in her house purchase? ›

Answer. Financial leverage increased Jenny's potential return on investment by allowing her to purchase a house with borrowed funds, which could amplify profits if the property appreciates in value.

What is discretionary income and how does it relate to savings? ›

Discretionary income is the amount of an individual's income that is left for spending, investing, or saving after paying taxes and paying for personal necessities, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Discretionary income includes money spent on luxury items, vacations, and nonessential goods and services.

How does discretionary income affect spending? ›


When individuals and households spend more of their discretionary income on goods and services, vacations, luxury items, and other nonessential items, money is funneled towards businesses that provide those goods and services.

What best explains discretionary income? ›

Discretionary income is the money you have left after you pay for essentials, like housing. You can use discretionary income to build a budget with the 50/30/20 strategy. The federal government uses a discretionary spending formula to set your student loan repayment amount under income-driven repayment programs.

What is the significance of discretionary income? ›

Discretionary income is a factor used in determining a borrower's payment amount for certain loan repayment plans and/or loan rehabilitation.

Why is discretionary income important? ›

Discretionary income is how much money you have left over after you've paid taxes and covered essential spending. This amount can help with budgeting and factor into your repayment of federal student loans.

What is the primary purpose of financial leverage? ›

Leverage refers to using debt (borrowed funds) to amplify returns from an investment or project. Companies can use leverage to invest in growth strategies. Some investors use leverage to multiply their buying power in the market.

What are the two significance of financial leverage? ›

Financial leverage is important because it enables firms to achieve higher returns, access potential tax benefits, and increase their capital for growth opportunities, while also emphasising the need for prudent risk management due to the associated risks of default and increased interest costs.

What is the significance of financial leverage? ›

Financial leverage locates the correct profitable financial decision regarding capital structure of the company. Financial leverage is one of the important devices which is used to measure the fixed cost proportion with the total capital of the company.

How does discretionary income affect your choices for wants and needs? ›

Discretionary spending is more flexible. These are purchases for things that are wants, not needs. Understanding the difference between necessary and discretionary expenses can help you manage your money more effectively.

What counts as discretionary income? ›

Discretionary income is the amount of money you have left after paying for necessary expenses, like taxes, housing and food. You use discretionary income for "extra" things, like entertainment, savings and investments.

Why do companies do IPOs BMC Quizlet? ›

IPOs incentivize entrepreneurs to innovate as IPOs provide a way for entrepreneurs to monetize their work. Why do company manager-owners smile when they ring the stock exchange bell at their IPO? An IPO reveals the value of the manager-owners' stake.

How is enterprise value calculated in Quizlet? ›

Enterprise value = Market cap + Debt + Minority interest + Preferred shares - Total cash and cash equivalents.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.