Power set - Definition, Examples, Formula, Properties and Cardinality (2025)

The power set is a set which includes all the subsets including the empty set and the original set itself. It is usually denoted by P. Power set is a type of sets, whose cardinality depends on the number of subsets formed for a given set.If set A = {x, y, z} is a set, then all its subsets {x}, {y}, {z}, {x, y}, {y, z}, {x, z}, {x, y, z} and {} are the elements of power set, such as:

Power set of A, P(A) = { {x}, {y}, {z}, {x, y}, {y, z}, {x, z}, {x, y, z}, {} }

Where P(A) denotes the power set.

Let us understand the concept with the help of examples and properties.

Table of contents:
  • Definition
  • Example
  • Cardinality
  • Properties
  • Power set of Empty set
  • Recursive Algorithm
  • Relation with Binomial theorem
  • Solved Problems
  • Practice Problems
  • FAQs

What is a Power Set?

In set theory, the power set (or power set) of a Set A is defined as the set of all subsets of the Set A including the Set itself and the null or empty set. It is denoted by P(A). Basically, this set is the combination of all subsets including null set, of a given set.

How is Power set Calculated?

If the given set has n elements, then its Power Set will contain 2n elements. It also represents the cardinality of the power set.

Example of Power Set

Let us say Set A = { a, b, c }

Number of elements: 3

Therefore, the subsets of the set are:

  • { } which is the null or the empty set
  • { a }
  • { b }
  • { c }
  • { a, b }
  • { b, c }
  • { c, a }
  • { a, b, c }

The power set P(A) = { { } , { a }, { b }, { c }, { a, b }, { b, c }, { c, a }, { a, b, c } }

Now, the Power Set has 23 = 8 elements.

Cardinality of Power Set

Cardinality represents the total number of elements present in a set. In case of power set, the cardinality will be the list of number of subsets of a set. The number of elements of a power set is written as |P (A)|, where A is any set. If A has ‘n’ elements then the formula to find the number of subsets of a set in a power set is given by:

|P(A)| = 2n

For example, set A = {1, 2, 3}

n = number of elements of A = 3

So, the number of subsets in a power set of A will be:

Subsets of A = {}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {2,3}, {1,3}, {1,2,3,}

P|A| = 23 = 8

Hence, P(A) is {{}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {2,3}, {1,3}, {1,2,3,}}

Properties of Power Set

  • It is much larger than the original set.
  • The number of elements in the power set of A is 2n, where n is the number of elements in set A
  • The power set of a countable finite set is countable.
  • For a set of natural numbers, we can do one-to-one mapping of the resulted set, P(S), with the real numbers.
  • P(S) of set S, if operated with the union of sets, the intersection of sets and complement of sets, denotes the example of Boolean Algebra.

Power Set of Empty Set

An empty set has zero elements. Therefore, the power set of an empty set { }, can be mentioned as;

  • A set containing a null set.
  • It contains zero or null elements.
  • The empty set is the only subset.

Recursive Algorithm of Power Set

A recursive algorithm is used to generate the power set P(S) of any finite set S.

The operation F (e, T) is defined as:

F (e, T) = { X ∪ {e} | X ∈ T }

This returns each of the set X in T that has the element x.

If Set S = { }, then P(S) = { { } } is returned.

If not, the following algorithm is followed.

If e is an element in Set S, T = S {e} such that S { e } forms the relative complement of the element e in set S, the power set is generated by the following algorithm:

P(S) = P(T) ∪ F ( e, P(T))

To conclude, if the set S is empty, then the only element in the power set will be the null set. If not, the power set will become the union of all the subsets containing the particular element and the subsets not containing the particular element.

How is Power-Set Related to Binomial Theorem

It is closelyrelated to the binomial theorem in terms of the notation.

Let us consider a set of three elements S = {a, b, c}

Number of subsets with zero elements (the null or the empty set) = 1

Number of subsets with one element (the singleton subsets) = 3

Number of subsets with two elements (the complements of singleton subsets) = 3

Number of subsets with three elements (the actual set) = 1

From the above relationship we can calculate |2s| as follows:

\(\begin{array}{l}|2^{s}| = \sum_{k=0}^{|s|}(^{|s|}_{k})\end{array} \)

If |S| = n then,

\(\begin{array}{l}|2^{s}| = 2^{n} = \sum_{k=0}^{n}(^{n}_{k})\end{array} \)

This is the relationship between a power-set and the binomial theorem.

Video Lesson on What are Sets

Power set - Definition, Examples, Formula, Properties and Cardinality (1)

Problems and Solutions on Power Set

Q.1: Find the power set of Z = {2, 7, 9} and a total number of elements.

Solution: Given, Z = {2, 7, 9}

Total number of elements in power set = 2n

Here, n = 3 (number of elements in set Z)

So, 23 = 8, which shows that there are eight elements of power set of Z


P(Z) = {{}, {2}, {7}, {9}, {2, 7}, {7, 9}, {2, 9}, {2, 7, 9}}

Q.2: How many elements are there for the power set of an empty set?

Solution: An empty set has zero elements.

Therefore, no. of elements of power set = 20 = 1

Hence, there is only one element of the power set which is the empty set itself.

P(E) = {}

Q.3: What is the power set of set A = {1, 2, 3, 4}?

Solution: Given, set A = {1, 2, 3, 4}

By the formula of power set, we know that, the number of sets we can form here is given by:

|P (A)| = 2n

where n is the number of elements of set A


|P(A)| = 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16

There will be 16 subsets of set A.

Subsets of A = {}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4},{1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}, {1,2,3,4}.

Thus, the power set of set A is given by:

P(A) ={ {}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4},{1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}, {1,2,3,4} }.

Practice Problems

  1. Find the power set of a set X = {p, q, r, s, t}.
  2. How many elements will be there in the power set of set A = {5, 6, 7, 8}
  3. State whether the following statement is true.
    For any set A, the empty set is an element of the power set of A.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Power Set


What is the meaning power set?

A power set is set of all subsets, empty set and the original set itself. For example, power set of A = {1, 2} is P(A) = {{}, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}}.


How many sets are there in a power set?

To calculate the total number of sets present in a power set we have to use the formula:
No. of sets in P(S) = 2^n, where n is the number of elements in set S.


What is the power set of an empty set?

An empty set is a null set, which does not have any elements present in it. Therefore, the power set of the empty set is a null set only.


What are the elements of power set?

If there are n elements in a set A, then the elements of power set are equal to 2^n, which will include all the subsets of A along with empty set and set A itself.


What is the power set of {1, 2, 3}?

Let A = {1, 2, 3}
Power set of A, P(A) = {{}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 2, 3}}
So you can see there are 8 elements of P(A).


What is the cardinality of power set?

The cardinality of the power set is the number of elements present in it. It is calculated by 2^n where n is the number of elements of the original set.

Power set - Definition, Examples, Formula, Properties and Cardinality (2025)


Power set - Definition, Examples, Formula, Properties and Cardinality? ›

It is denoted by |P(X)|. The cardinality of a power set for a set of 'n' elements is given by '2n'. For example, if set X = {a,b,c}, then the cardinality of the power set is |P(X)| = 23 or 8. This means there will be 8 subsets present in the power set: { {}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c} }.

What is a power set and examples? ›

In mathematics, the power set (or powerset) of a set S is the set of all subsets of S, including the empty set and S itself. In axiomatic set theory (as developed, for example, in the ZFC axioms), the existence of the power set of any set is postulated by the axiom of power set.

What is the formula for the cardinality of a power set? ›

Cardinality of a Power Set

2n is the total number of subsets for a set of 'n' items. The cardinality of a power set is given by |P(A)| = 2n because the subsets of a set are the elements of a power set. The total number of elements in the given set is denoted by n.

What is the power set of set a 1 2 3 4? ›

Thus, the power set of set A is given by: P(A) = { {}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4},{1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}, {1,2,3,4} }.

What is the power set of 6 elements? ›

Solution: A set has 6 elements. Thus, its power set will have 2 6 = 64 elements. It means that a set with 6 elements has 64 subsets.

What is the cardinality of a set example? ›

The cardinality of a set is defined as the number of elements in a mathematical set. It can be finite or infinite. For example, the cardinality of the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} is equal to 6 because set A has six elements. The cardinality of a set is also known as the size of the set.

What is the power formula in set? ›

It is denoted by |P(X)|. The cardinality of a power set for a set of 'n' elements is given by '2n'. For example, if set X = {a,b,c}, then the cardinality of the power set is |P(X)| = 23 or 8. This means there will be 8 subsets present in the power set: { {}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c} }.

How to calculate cardinality? ›

To find the cardinality of a set, count the number of elements present in the given set. Look at the example given below: A = { a , b , c , d , e } cardinality of this set is 5 because it has 5 elements present inside the set.

How to find a power set? ›

The power set of a set is found by first identifying all of the subsets of the original set. The subsets are the different possible combinations of the elements of the original set. The empty set is also considered a subset. The collection of these subsets is the power set.

What is the cardinality of the power set of the set 1 5 6? ›

The cardinality of a set is the number of elements in the set. The Power set of a set is the total number of sets possible from the elements of the set. The number of sets in te power set of a set is give by 2 to the power of number of elements. Therefore the cardinality of the Power set of the set {1,5,6} is 8.

How many elements are there in a power set? ›

Number of Elements in Power Set

For a given set S with n elements, number of elements in P(S) is 2^n. As each element has two possibilities (present or absent}, possible subsets are 2×2×2.. n times = 2^n. Therefore, the power set contains 2^n elements.

What is the difference between a subset and a power set? ›

The power set P(A) is the collection of all the subsets of A. Thus, the elements in P(A) are subsets of A. One of these subsets is the set A itself. Hence, A itself appears as an element in ℘(A), and we write A∈℘(A) to describe this membership.

What is the formula for subset? ›

If a set has “n” elements, then the number of subset of the given set is 2n and the number of proper subsets of the given subset is given by 2n-1. Consider an example, If set A has the elements, A = {a, b}, then the proper subset of the given subset are { }, {a}, and {b}. Here, the number of elements in the set is 2.

What is an example of a power set? ›

We talk about the power set “of" another set, which is the set of all subsets of that other set. Example: suppose A = { Dad, Lizzy }. Then the power set of A, which is written as “P(A)" is: { { Dad, Lizzy }, { Dad }, { Lizzy }, ∅ }.

What is the difference between subset and proper subset? ›

Subsets - For Sets A and B, Set A is a Subset of Set B if every element in Set A is also in Set B. It is written as ⊆ . Proper Subsets - For Sets A and B, Set A is a Proper Subset of Set B if every element in Set A is also in Set B, but Set A does not equal Set B. ( ≠ ) It is written as ⊂ .

How to subtract two sets? ›

What Is the Difference of Sets? The difference between the two sets, A and B, written as A ∖ B or A − B, is a set that contains those elements of A that are NOT in B. To find the difference, we remove all the elements of set B from set A. The resulting set consists of the remaining elements exclusive to set A.

What is the difference between a power set and a subset? ›

The power set P(A) is the collection of all the subsets of A. Thus, the elements in P(A) are subsets of A. One of these subsets is the set A itself. Hence, A itself appears as an element in ℘(A), and we write A∈℘(A) to describe this membership.

What are 2 examples of power? ›

Power can be thought of in a number of different situations. Some situations where power can be calculated are a car driving, a person running, and a horse pulling a cart. Consider an example: a person applies a force horizontally to move a crate some distance, as shown in the diagram.


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.