Power Set - Definition, Cardinality, Properties, Proof, Examples. (2025)

A power set includes all the subsets of a given set including the empty set. The power set is denoted by the notation P(S) and the number of elements of the power set is given by 2n.A power set can be imagined as a place holder of all the subsets of a given set, or, in other words, the subsets of a set are the members or elements of a power set.

A set, in simple words, is a collection of distinct objects. If there are two sets A and B, then set A will be the subset of set B, if all the elements of set A are present in the set B. Let us learn more about theproperties of power set, the cardinality of a power set, and the power set of an empty set, with the help of examples, FAQs.

1.Power Set Definition
2.Cardinality of a Power Set
3.Power Set Properties
4.Power Set Proof
5.Power Set of Empty Set
6.FAQs on Power Set

Power Set Definition

A power set is defined as the set or group of all subsets for any given set, including the empty set, which is denoted by {}, or, ϕ. A set that has 'n' elements has 2n subsets in all. For example, let Set A = {1,2,3}, therefore, the total number of elements in the set is 3. Therefore, there are 23 elements in the power set. Let us find the power set of set A.
Set A = {1,2,3}
Subsets of set A = {}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {2,3}, {1,3}, {1,2,3}
Power set P(A) = { {}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {2,3}, {1,3}, {1,2,3} }

Power Set - Definition, Cardinality, Properties, Proof, Examples. (1)

Cardinality of a Power Set

The cardinality of a set is the total number of elements in the set. A power set contains the list of all the subsets of a set. The total number of subsets for a set of 'n' elements is given by 2n. Since the subsets of a set are the elements of a power set, the cardinality of a power set is given by |P(A)| = 2n. Here, n = the total number of elements in the given set.

Example: Set A = {1,2}; n = 2
|P(A)| = 2n = 22 = 4.

Subsets of A = {}, {1},{2},{1,2}
Therefore, |P(A)| = 4.

Power Set Properties

A power set is a set that has a list of all the subsets of a given set. The power set which is denoted by P(A) with 'n' elements has the following properties:

  • The total number of elements of a set is 2n.
  • An empty set is a definite element of a power set.
  • The power set of an empty set has only one element.
  • The power set of a set with a finite number of elements is finite. For example, if set X = {b,c,d}, the power sets are countable.
  • The power set of an infinite set has infinite number of subsets. For example, if Set X has all the multiples of 5 starting from 5, then we can say that Set X has an infinite number of elements. Though there is an infinite number of elements, a power set still exists for set X, in this case, it has infinite number of subsets.
  • These the power set exists for both finite and infinite sets.

Power Set Proof

Let us see how a set containing 'n' elements has a power set that has 2n elements. In other words, the cardinality of a finite set A with 'n' elements is |P(A)| = 2n.

The proof of the power set follows the pattern of mathematical induction. To start with, let us consider the case of a set with no elements or an empty set.

Case 1: A set with no elements. Let A = {}.
Here, the power set of A, which is denoted by P(A) = {} and the cardinality of the power set of A = |P(A)| = 1, since there is only one element, which is the empty set. Also, by the formula of the cardinality of a power set, there will be 2n power sets, which are equal to 20 or 1.

Case 2:
This is an inductive step. It is to be proved that P(n) → P(n+1). This means, if a set that has 'n' elements has 2n subsets, then a set that has 'n+1' elements will have 2n+1 subsets.
To prove this, let us assume two sets 'X' and 'Y' with the following elements.
X = {\(a_{1}\), \(a_{2}\), \(a_{3}\),\(a_{4}\), \(a_{n}\)} and
Y = {\(a_{1}\), \(a_{2}\), \(a_{3}\),\(a_{4}\), \(a_{n}\), \(a_{n+1}\)}

The cardinality of the two sets 'X' and 'Y' are,
|X| = n , which means there are 2n subsets for the set 'X'.
|Y| = n+1
We can write that Y = X U {\(a_{n+1}\)}, this means, every subset of set 'X' is also a subset of set 'Y'.
A subset of set Y may or may not contain the element \(a_{n+1}\).
If an element of set 'Y' does not contain the element \(a_{n+1}\), then it is clear that it is an element of set 'X'.
Also, if the subset of 'Y' has the element \(a_{n+1}\), this means that the element \(a_{n+1}\) is included in any of the 2n subsets of the set 'X'. So we can conclude that, set 'Y' has 2n subsets with the element \(a_{n+1}\). Therefore, set Y has 2n subsets with element \(a_{n+1}\) and 2n subsets without the element \(a_{n+1}\).
An example of this proof is as follows.
Let X = {1,2}
Let Y = {1,2,3}
Here, the |X| = 2, so there will be 22 subsets for set X.
and |Y| = 3. We will prove that set Y has 23 subsets.
Subsets of X are = {ϕ}, {1}, {2}, {1,2}
Subsets of Y are = {ϕ}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2} ,{2,3}, {1,3}, {1,2,3}
Here, '3' is the extra element in set Y that is not in set X. Also, set Y includes 4 subsets that do not include element 3 and 4 other subsets that have element 3. So, in all, for set Y there are 4 subsets without the element '3' and 4 subsets with the element '3'.

Power Set of Empty Set

Power set of an empty set also has an element. We know that if the number of elements in a set is 'n', then there will be 2n elements in the power set. The empty set is a set with no elements. It is denoted by { } or the symbol Ø. This implies, { } is a subset of every set. An empty set does not contain any element. Therefore, the power set of the empty set is an empty set only.

We just read that an empty set does not contain any elements, this means the power set of empty set will contain 20 elements. Therefore, the power set of the empty set is an empty set with one element, i.e., 20 = 1. So, P(E) = {}.

☛Articles on Power Set

Given below is the list of topics that are closely connected to the Power Set. These topics will also give you a glimpse of how such concepts are covered in Cuemath

  • Set Builder Notation
  • Roster Notation
  • Operations on Sets
  • Intersection of Sets
  • Subset
  • Universal Set

FAQs on Power Set

What is a Power Set?

A set that contains all the subsets of a given set along with the empty set is called a power set. For example, if set A = {a,b}, then the power set of A is { {}, {a}, {b}, {a,b}}.

What is the Notation of a Power Set?

A power set is denoted by the letter P(Set Name). For example, if set B = {1,2,3}, then power set of B is denoted as P(B).

What is the Cardinality of a Power Set?

Cardinality denotes the total number of elements in the power set. It is denoted by |P(X)|. The cardinality of a power set for a set of 'n' elements is given by '2n'. For example, if set X = {a,b,c}, then the cardinality of the power set is |P(X)| = 23 or 8. This means there will be 8 subsets present in the power set: { {}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c} }.

What is the Power Set of an Empty Set?

A set that has no elements is said to be an empty set. A power set always has the empty set as an element. Therefore, the power set of an empty set is an empty set only. It just has one element. P(ϕ) = {ϕ}.

How Do You Find the Power Set of a Set?

To find the power set of a set, write down all the subsets of the given set along with the empty set. For example, if set S = {p,q,r}, then the power set of S, P(S) = { {}, {p},{q},{r},{p,q},{q,r},{p,r},{p,q,r} }

What are the Properties of a Power Set?

A set is a collection of distinct elements and a power set is a combination of an empty set and all the subsets of a given set. The properties of a power set are as follows.

  • A power set has an empty set as an element for sure.
  • The cardinality of a power set for a set of 'n' elements is given by 2n.
  • The power set of an empty set has only one element which is the empty set or the null set.
  • The power set of a finite set of elements is countable. For example, a set with 2 elements has 22 or 4 elements in the power set.
Power Set - Definition, Cardinality, Properties, Proof, Examples. (2025)


Power Set - Definition, Cardinality, Properties, Proof, Examples.? ›

A power set is defined as the set or group of all subsets for any given set, including the empty set

empty set
A set that does not contain any element is called an empty set or a null set. An empty set is denoted using the symbol '∅'. It is read as 'phi'. Example: Set X = {}. It is also called a void set or null set.
https://www.cuemath.com › algebra › empty-set
, which is denoted by {}, or, ϕ. A set that has 'n' elements has 2n subsets in all. For example, let Set A = {1,2,3}, therefore, the total number of elements in the set is 3.

How do you prove the cardinality of a power set? ›

The cardinality of the power-set is 2ⁿ, where n is the number of elements in the set. You prove it by Induction: For n=0, 2⁰ =1 (the empty set Ø is a member of the power-set). For the Induction step, add another distinct element c to a set A with n elements (so A's power-set has cardinality 2ⁿ).

What is the proof of the power set? ›

The Power Set proof states that, given a set A with an infinite number of elements, there cannot be a function that matches each element of the Power Set of A to each element of the set A; that is, there is no function that matches every element of the set A to every subset of the set A (see also one-to-one ...

What is a power set and examples? ›

In mathematics, the power set (or powerset) of a set S is the set of all subsets of S, including the empty set and S itself. In axiomatic set theory (as developed, for example, in the ZFC axioms), the existence of the power set of any set is postulated by the axiom of power set.

What is the cardinality of power set φ φ }}? ›

If, P(A) be the power set of set A; its cardinality must be (2^3) = 8. And, P(A) = {Φ, {a}, {b}, {φ}, {a, b}, {b, φ}, {a, φ}, {a, b, φ}}.

How do you prove cardinality of a set? ›

Two sets A and B have the same cardinality if there exists a bijection (a.k.a., one-to-one correspondence) from A to B, that is, a function from A to B that is both injective and surjective. Such sets are said to be equipotent, equipollent, or equinumerous. This relationship can also be denoted A ≈ B or A ~ B.

How to calculate the cardinality of the power set? ›

Cardinality of a Power Set

The total number of subsets for a set of 'n' elements is given by 2n. Since the subsets of a set are the elements of a power set, the cardinality of a power set is given by |P(A)| = 2. Here, n = the total number of elements in the given set. |P(A)| = 2n = 22 = 4.

What is the difference between a power set and a subset? ›

The power set P(A) is the collection of all the subsets of A. Thus, the elements in P(A) are subsets of A. One of these subsets is the set A itself. Hence, A itself appears as an element in ℘(A), and we write A∈℘(A) to describe this membership.

What is the power set of 123? ›

Hence, the power set of the set is ϕ , { 1 } , { 2 } , { 3 } , { 1 , 2 } , { 1 , 3 } , { 2 , 3 } , { 1 , 2 , 3 } .

What is the cardinality of a set example? ›

The cardinality of a set is defined as the number of elements in a mathematical set. It can be finite or infinite. For example, the cardinality of the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} is equal to 6 because set A has six elements. The cardinality of a set is also known as the size of the set.

How to find the powerset of a set? ›

The power set of a set S is the set of all subsets of S . The first subset will be set S itself. Next, find all subsets that contain one less element (in this case 3 elements). Continue with this process until finding all subsets including the empty set.

Does ∅ count for cardinality? ›

Empty sets do not contain any elements, so their cardinality is zero. This is also why zero is defined as the cardinality of the null set.

Why is the cardinality of the power set 2 N? ›

Number of Elements in Power Set

For a given set S with n elements, number of elements in P(S) is 2^n. As each element has two possibilities (present or absent}, possible subsets are 2×2×2.. n times = 2^n. Therefore, the power set contains 2^n elements.

Is the cardinality of the power set bigger? ›

The power set of a set S (i.e., the set of all subsets of S) always has higher cardinality than the set S, itself. Proof: Suppose we denote the power set of S by P(S). First note that it can't possibly happen that P(S) has smaller cardinality than S, as for every element x of S, {x} is a member of P(S).

How do you show cardinality of a set? ›

Consider a set A. If A has only a finite number of elements, its cardinality is simply the number of elements in A. For example, if A={2,4,6,8,10}, then |A|=5.

How do you determine the cardinality of a given set? ›

The cardinality of a set is defined as the number of elements in a mathematical set. It can be finite or infinite. For example, the cardinality of the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} is equal to 6 because set A has six elements. The cardinality of a set is also known as the size of the set.

How do you test for cardinality? ›

After children count a set, we can ask them “How many do you have altogether?” If they state the total number, they are showing an understanding of cardinality. If they recount the set, then they may not understand cardinality yet.

What is the cardinality of the power set of the set 1 2 3? ›

Therefore, the cardinality (number of elements) of the power set of {1,2,3} is 8.


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