Hollow Knight: How to Find All The Charms (2024)

Wayward Compass

Purchased from Iselda in Dirtmouth for 220 after finding Cornifer.

Allows you to see your location on the Hallownest map after finding Cornifer, even if the map is incomplete.

It is only really useful for navigating through the game earlier on and becomes less so when you have most or all of the map completed.

Gathering Swarm

Purchased from Sly in Dirtmouth for 300 Geo.

Will automatically fly any Geo dropped by enemies or Geo deposits straight to you.

It is especially useful for gathering large amounts of Geo quickly as well as in hard-to-reach/dangerous places.

Stalwart Shell

Bought from Sly in Dirtmouth for 200 Geo.

Grants a longer period of invincibility after being hit, allowing a greater window of time to attack again or not take damage again (about 1.75 seconds).

It's mainly useful during battles where it is difficult to not get hit, and it can actually stack well with a lot of other Charms that can help take advantage of the greater time window, like Quick Slash or the Buldur Shell.

Soul Catcher

Found to the very left of the Ancestral Mound and requires defeating the Elder Buldur enemy there.

You will gain three additional SOUL with each hit for the main Soul Vessel and two for the reserves.

You do not need to defeat the False Knight in order to obtain this Charm.

Shaman Stone

Bought from Salubra 220 Geo in the hidden village area of the Forgotten Crossroads.

Increases a spell's power by 33-51%, depending on the Spell used.

It can easily be stacked with such Charms as the Spell Twister and the Soul Catcher to use Spells more often.

Soul Eater

It can be found in the Resting Grounds. Right below the Stag Station, there is a grave that you can use the Desolate Dive or Descending Dark spell on. The charm is next to the sarcophagus of the Snail Shaman that you find.

It greatly increases the amount of SOUL gained by defeating enemies, giving eight additional SOUL for the main vessel and six for reserves.

While it is much more useful for gathering SOUL, the fact that it requires four Charm Notches means it should only be used in certain situations.


Found in a statue right below Mantis Village, in the Fungal Wastes.

It decreases the cooldown timer between uses of the Mothwing Cloak, letting you dash far more often. It also gives you the ability to dash downwards.

It's mostly useful for getting through places where dashing is needed, and can even increase your overall movement speed when stacked with the Sprintmaster Charm.


Bought from Sly in Dirtmouth for 400 Geo, but only after obtaining the Shopkeeper's Key from Crystal Peak, found in the room left of where the Crystal Guardian is first encountered.

The perfect Charm for speedsters that increases running speed by about 20%.

Allows you to run around and traverse Hallownest at a much faster pace and even keep up with agile adversaries like Hornet or certain enemies.


Gifted by the Grubfathger in the Forgotten Crossroads after finding ten Grubs.

Automatically grants you 15 SOUL every time you take damage.

Perfect for a build generally focused on building SOUL for healing or spell usage, especially the former when navigating through tricky or dangerous platforming spaces. It can also stack with Grubberfly's Elegy to increase the SOUL gain to 25 instead of 15.

Grubberfly's Elegy

Only obtainable after rescuing all 46 Grubs in the game.

Wearing it allows you to fire a beam of white, hot energy from your Nail that deals about 50% Nail damage; however, it only works when you have full health.

Incredibly useful for fighting enemies from a distance, including bosses.

Fragile Heart/Unbreakable Heart

Can be bought off the Leg Eater in Fungal Wastes for 350 Geo - wearing the Defender's Crest (DC) Charm decreases this to 280 - and repaired with 200 Geo (160 with DC). Once you unlock the Grimm Troupe side quest, a character named Divine will be accessible. By giving her the Fragile Heart, which removes it from your inventory, and then repurchasing it for 12,000 Geo, you can acquire the Unbreakable Heart.

It increases the Knight's total number of masks by two, making it much less likely to die.

One of five Charms in the game that can be replaced with another Charm, in this case, the Unbreakable Heart Charm. The Mask Shards permanently increasing your health, but this is a good early-game alternative/substitute until you can get all the Mask Shards.

Fragile Greed/Unbreakable Greed

Can be bought from the Leg Eater in Fungal Wastes for 250 Geo (200 DC), and repaired for 150 Geo (120 DC). When given to Divine of the Grimm Troupe, she will return as the Unbreakable Greed Charm in exchange for 9,000 Geo.

It increases the amount of Geo dropped by enemies by 20-100%, depending on the Geo type.

Fragile Greed is another Charm that can be replaced later, for the Unbreakable Greed. Quite useful when traversing areas with a large number of enemies. It's recommended to use if you are low on cash.

Fragile Strength/Unbreakable Strength

Can be bought from the Leg Eater in Fungal Wastes for 600 Geo (480 DC), and repaired for 350 Geo (280 DC). When repurchased from Divine for 15,000 Geo, it will become the Unbreakable Strength Charm.

It increases the damage you inflict with your Nail by 50% when equipped.

The third Charm that can be replaced later in the game, Fragile Strength is perhaps the most useful of the three 'fragile' Charms in terms of its combat use. It is incredibly useful for taking down enemies and bosses much faster than normal, especially later in the game.

Spell Twister

Found it in the Soul Sanctum, in the room just east of the Soul Master.

Reduces the cost of using Spells. Normally Spells costs about 33 SOUL to use, but this Charm reduces that to 24.

Perfect for a more Spell-focused build, and stacks well with charms like the Soul Catcher.

Steady Body

Bought from Sulabra for 120 Geo in the hidden village area of the Forgotten Crossroads.

Mostly removes the knockback you receive when hitting things with your Nail, mainly enemies.

Stacks well with Charms like Longanil or Quick Slash, but this does not work on any armor enemies wear. It also does not eliminate knockback for environmental hazards like spikes.

Heavy Blow

Bought from Sly in Dirtmouth for 350 Geo after bringing him the Shopkeeper's Key.

It increases the knockback on most enemies by a fairly substantial degree. Also reduces the number of hits needed to stagger boss by one.

Allows you to keep enemies away for long enough to keep them from hitting you or even make an escape. This knockback does not apply to bosses.

Quick Slash

Can be found in Kingdom's Edge. Go east, past Nailmaster Oro's hut, and then Desolate Dive/Descending Dark down the breakable floor next to his training dummy. Make your way down a few levels westward, then traverse up till you reach a large room containing the corpse of the "Ancient Nailsmith".

Allows you to unleash your Nail strikes much faster than normal.

Makes it easier to damage enemies and traverse certain areas. The rapid succession of nail strikes also allows you to accumulate SOUL much faster than normal, so it can mesh well with both a SOUL-focused build as well as a Nail-focused build.


Bought from Salubra for 300 Geoin the hidden village area of the Forgotten Crossroads.

It increases the length of your nail by 15%.

Allows you to hit enemies from much farther away than normal or, alternatively, traverse through spikes of other hazards much easier.

Mark of Pride

Requires you to defeat the Mantis Lords in the Mantis Village.

It increases your nail length by 25%.

While this makes it superior to the Longnail, using the two together allows your nail to grow by 40%, so they stack perfectly with one another.

Fury of the Fallen

Make your way through the spikes past the Geo cluster in the southwest portion of the pit room. You can Nail-Bounce or Dash till you end up in the chamber where it is.

Increases your Nail damage by 75%, but only when you have one mask left.

Only useful in certain situations. When combined with Grubberfly's Elegy, it can be used from a distance as well.

Thorns of Agony

Found in Greenpath by making your way to the end of a room filled with Charged Lumaflies.

Causes thorny vines to burst out in all directions from the Knight's body whenever it takes damage, which inflicts equal damage to the base Nail.

Useful in situations where you are surrounded by enemies. However, it does not collect SOUL from these attacks.

Baldur Shell

Can be found in the Howling Cliffs, in the southwest portion. Here, you will find a chest that only gives one Geo, but dropping down into the chest takes you to a battle with two Elder Baldurs. Defeating the right one will take you to the room where the charm is located.

Conjures a protective shell that defends you from any damage while using Focus, though it can only block up to four hits before breaking. It will only regenerate when sitting on a bench.

Useful for a more defensive approach. Being hit still causes your SOUL consumption to be interrupted.


Can be obtained after defeating the Flukemarm.

Replaces the Vengeful Spirit Spell or the Shade Soul with either nine damaging Flukes or 16, respectively, each one doing about four points of damage for a total of 36 or 64 damage.

Fairly useful for boss battles, though their range is limited to directly in front of the Knight, making their use a lot more situational.

Defender's Crest

Obtained after defeating the Dung Defender.

Causes you to emit a heroic odor. The cloud follows you around and inflicts one damage per tick on enemies and bosses.

The clouds can linger, but it can also make it a little harder to see enemies, so it's also rather situational. Allows for different dialogue options with certain NPCs: The Leg Eater, who will offer discounts on purchasing/repairing the Fragile Charms; Relic Seeker Lemm, who will flat out refuse to barter with you; and Tuk, an NPC in the royal Waterways who usually sells Rancid Eggs for anywhere from 80-100 Geo, will instead give them for free

Glowing Womb

Can be obtained in the Forgotten Crossroads, though you will need the Crystal Heart ability. Make your way right of where you fought the False Knight and break through an opening in the ceiling after a series of columns. The spike tunnel is where you need to use the Crystal Heart, and the infected area filled with Aspid Hunters and Mothers is where you will find the charm.

For eight SOUL, the Charm will spawn up to four Hatchlings at a time, each of which does nine contact damage by automatically ramming into enemies and exploding.

It's more useful for a combat-focused build because it drains SOUL, but the Hatchlings are still not particularly powerful. The Defender's Crest Charm can work well to fix that, but not by a substantial degree.

Quick Focus

Bought from Salubra in the Forgotten Crossroads for 800 Geo.

Increases the speed at which you heal when Focusing by 33%.

Makes healing in the middle of battle seem seamless and smooth, meaning you can get out of dangerous situations much easier and heal when it would otherwise be difficult to.

Deep Focus

Can only be found in Crystal Peak. Make your way down from the area where you found Cornifer until you see a Husk Miner mining a wall to the left. This is a breakable wall, so kill the miner and break through into a long room filled with nothing but spiky crystals. You will have to use the Crystal Heart to make your way through the room to the end, where you should see a large hole that drops directly on top of the charm.

Makes you heal two masks when Focusing instead of one; however, decreases the speed at which you Focus by 65%.

Practically useless in boss battles or scenarios where you are facing multiple enemies. There are ways to work around it, but they are few and far between. Quick Focus can help negate this a little bit, but you will have to deal with the cost of using both.

Lifeblood Heart

Bought from Salubra in the Forgotten Crossroads for 250 Geo.

The Lifeblood Hearts adds two Lifeblood masks to your health whenever you rest at a bench. Lifeblood is essentially like temporary extra health that you can get by either wearing this and other charms like it or encountering natural sources.

It is very useful in boss battles since you don't have to worry about healing right away if you get hit, but it is only temporary.

Joni's Blessing

Can be found in the Howling Cliff's at Joni's Repose.

Replaces all of your existing masks with Lifeblood masks in addition to increasing the number of masks you currently have by 40%. For example, if you currently have five masks, you will have seven Lifeblood masks when wearing this Charm.

It's mostly useful for increasing your health, though the drawback is that they cannot be regenerated with SOUL and you will be left with one empty mask if they all go away.

Lifeblood Core

First, you need at least 14 Lifeblood masks, or alternatively, 15 when using Joni's Blessing. You cannot lose any of these before entering the room, otherwise, you will be unable to. This will grant you access to this door in the Abyss, which is otherwise sealed. Lifeblood lights will actually guide you toward the direction of the Lifeblood Core Charm.

Gives four Lifeblood masks when resting.

You will soon reach a point in the room where you can fall to either the left or the right. The left will take you to an Arcane Egg and the right will take you to the Charm. As soon as you pick up the Charm you will be forced out of the area and never get able to come back, so it is recommended that you obtain the Arcane Egg and then the charm.


Obtained after defeating the Hive Knight.

Will turn all of your masks into honey masks and heals the last one lost automatically without the need to use SOUL at all.

Incredibly useful for platforming, as well as for bosses that won't give any time to heal. Can also stack with Lifeblood charms like Joni's Blessing to actually make the Lifeblood regenerate.

Spore Shroom

Need the Mantis Claw to traverse a fairly nasty platforming puzzle involving thorny vines and bouncing mushrooms. Crystal Heart and Isma's Tear can also be helpful, but you don't need either of them by any means.

By Focusing, the Knight will release a small cloud of spores that deal one damage per tick and last for about 4.1 seconds, adding up to 27 points of damage. It also allows you to understand the language of Mister Mushroom and read certain Lore Tablets located in the Fugnals Wastes and Kingdom's Edge.

The spores take up a fairly wide area and this can actually be increased with the Defender's Crest charm also equipped, though you will have to wait 4.25 seconds between uses to fire off another cloud.

Sharp Shadow

Found in Deepnest behind a Shade Gate southeast of the Hot Spring, so will need the Shade Cloak beforehand.

When dashing through enemies with the Shade Cloak, turns into a sharp weapon that can pierce enemies for 1x Nail damage. Additionally, it increases the length of your dash by 39% and allows you to damage enemies immune to Nail attacks.

The extended length can make certain platforming sections more difficult, and it does not collect SOUL from enemies either.

Shape of Unn

Found within the Lake of Unn in Greenpath. However, you'll need Isma's Tear to access it.

Allows you to actually move while Focusing. However, it only allows for movement right and left, as you cannot jump or dash while using it and there is still some end and start lag.

It has its uses in certain scenarios though, as it can make you small enough to avoid certain attacks, though you will have to get creative with how you use it.

Nailmaster's Glory

Given by Sly after mastering all three Nail Arts and returning to his shop in Dirtmouth.

Allows you to charge Nail Arts much faster than normal, about 0.75 seconds.

Makes it much easier to almost spam Nail Aarts and, with the Pure Nail, kill many enemies with a single hit, such as Primal Aspids in the Colosseum of Fools.


Can be found through a small platforming section in the upper portion of the Weaver's Den in Deepnest.

Summons three small Weaverlings that deal three damage per hit. Also unlocks new dialogue and Dream Nail dialogue for the Midwife.

They respawn fairly quickly, so they have some use for fighting enemies at a range.

Dream Wielder

Given by the Seer in the Resting Grounds after acquiring 500 Essence.

Not only reduces the time window for using the Dream Nail, but it also increases the amount of SOUL taken by the Dream Nail by 33. Also increases the likelihood of gaining Essence from enemies.

Perhaps the best Charm for a SOUL-focused build, and also good for Essence collection.


Found in a room right below the Seer in the Resting Grounds, past a breakable wall.

Conjures a spiked shield that rotates around the Knight that can block projectiles and deal 1x Nail damage to enemies. The shield goes away for a few seconds after hitting an enemy and takes time to recharge.

It is good for dealing extra damage and protecting oneself. Dream Wilder makes it 15% bigger and reduces the recharge time.


Integral to the completion of the Grimm Troupe DLC side quest, and can only be obtained after activating this quest. When that happens, Troupe Master Grimm will give you the Grimmchid.

Conjures a small, bat-like creature that, at first, only floats behind you. As you collect the flames that Grimm tasks you with finding, it begins to attack enemies automatically. The fireballs it shoots deal more and damages the further you upgrade the Grimmchild, up to a total of 11 damage per shot.

Fairly useful for dealing extra damage to certain bosses and enemies.

Carefree Melody

If you choose to banish the Grimm Troupe, return to Dirtmouth to find an NPC called Nymm who will give you this charm, which actually replaces the now-lost Grimmchild in your inventory.

Has a chance to block an incoming attack from an enemy. The chance to block damage increases the number of hits taken, starting at 0% and going up to 90% with repeated hits. It resets after the attack is blocked, and it does not block hazards like spikes.

Once you've collected a total of nine flames for Grimmchild, you can either battle Nightmare King Grimm in order to fully upgrade it, or you can find Brumm in the Howling Cliffs to banish the Grimm Troupe.


Can only be obtained by combining its two halves, one of which is held by the White Lady in the Queen's Gardens and the other on the Pale King's couple in the White Palace.

Generates four SOUL every two seconds.

You'll need the Awoken Dream Nail to access the White Palace, which can only be obtained after acquiring 1,800 Essence.

Void Heart

It is obtainable only after obtaining the Kingsoul and going through the Birthplace at the bottom of Abyss, where it will be transformed into this charm.

It causes all enemies in the Abyss, that being Siblings, Void Tendrils, as well as your own Shade, from attacking you, and with it, you can view four of Hollow Knight'sfive endings.

Integral to completing the story of Hollow Knight. It is a part of the bearer and does not cost any notches whatsoever, and cannot be removed.

Hollow Knight: How to Find All The Charms (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.